Innovation Platform Innovative Results

Innovation Platform

Postdoctoral Workstation

The postdoctoral workstation of Zhejiang Fulai New Materials Co., Ltd. was officially listed in 2019. Since the establishment of the station, the workstation has been in strict accordance with the requirements of “practical, enlarged and sustainable”, and has actively done a good job in recruiting postdoctoral fellows to enter the station, giving full play to the active role of the postdoctoral workstation in the introduction and training of talents and the recommendation of industry-university-research cooperation.It cooperates with Southeast University, Institute of Metals, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University and other scientific research institutes and universities.A total of 11 postdoctoral fellows have been successfully introduced. At present, there is 1 postdoctoral fellow and 10 postdoctoral fellows.
